Shad – Rose Garden

Shad Rose Garden

I just caught Shad’s set tonight at K-os’ sold out show at the Commodore Ballroom. This London, Ontario man is a shining star in Canada’s small but wonderful hip hop community and it won’t be long until he headlines his own sold-out shows at the Commodore and worldwide, no doubt. His freestyling skills are immense (he beat K-os in a battle tonight!) and man, does that guy have some stage presence! Thank you, Shad, for reminding me how much I like hip hop sometimes.

Check out more from Canada’s answer to Jay-Z on his website, myspace and f’book.

Shad – Rose Garden

Shad and his band also dedicated tonight’s performance to Randy Poznio, an inspirational member of Vancouver’s music community who was suddenly taken from us just last week. Poznio was set to play guitar in Shad’s set tonight… their tribute was beautiful.

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